Payment Instructions

Payment security is important to us. Our goal is to protect your money from the risk of a breach and the financial losses you may absorb if you become victim of one. We offer a variety of payment options for your convenience.

Earnest Money

Earnnest provides flexible ways for real estate agents and Bradley K. Richardson, P.C. to collect your earnest money payment securely.

1. The first way is by your real estate agent sending you an earnest money request via email. The email you receive will come from Earnnest. If this is how your real estate agent requests you to pay earnest money, follow the instructions in the “Payment Request Email” video below.

2. The second way is by initiating payment directly to Bradley K. Richardson, P.C. through their Earnnest payment portal. Follow the instructions in the Branded Payment Link below to initiate your earnest money deposit.

Pay by Wire Transfer

In order to keep your funds safe and secure, please call our office at 864-222-0292 to obtain wiring instructions.

Pay by Check

Please make check payable to Bradley K. Richardson, P.C.